Stark white crosses mark the final resting spots unnamed early Lubbock citizens. Land for a cemetery for the poor was donated in 1918 by early pioneer Gus Carlisle. The first burials were victims of the Spanish influenza epidemic. Motorists on West 19th are often unaware of the cemetery.
February 27, 2010
Bailey, a semi-Siamese, lives two doors down and regularly checks on the neighborhood residents. She is polydactyl, having six digits on each of her front paws. The condition is a genetic anomaly but doesn't affect her mobility.
Interestingly, about half of the sixty cats at the Ernest Hemingway House and Museum in Key West (a place I'd like to visit) are polydactyl. It seems that a sea captain gave Papa Hemingway a six-toed cat once and the current inhabitants are descendants.
February 26, 2010
Photography is a great avocation but can be capricious as a career. The digital age has produced a proliferation of professionals. Have camera will travel may be a better business strategy than a storefront.
February 24, 2010
February 23, 2010
February 22, 2010
"Old sign" installation at the San Antonio Museum of Art hung on wall next to parking lot. Art by Gary Sweeney with quote attributed to Theodore Dreisler -- proving it's not the thought that counts but what you do with it.
A variety of circumstances kept me from photographing a new image today (30 degrees with snow, an incipient cold and cough, and funeral home visitation) so I am posting a favorite from my recent trip.
February 16, 2010
February 15, 2010
February 11, 2010
Perfect snow day -- flurry of big flakes, no wind, 30 degrees and non-icy streets. Mackenzie Park at noon today was a winter wonderland -- and then I had to go back to work.